Webcam auf dem Hoteldach
Within a few minutes you can reach any destination in the city, while staying in a comfortable location. You will have a tremendous view over the river and vineyards, the old bridge and the Castle Marienberg. You will never forget this picturesque view, and when you are back home, it will be a lovely reminder of Wurzburg. You will find very comfortable, modernized, non-smoking rooms, each with a shower, toilet, radio, television and telephone.

Best Parking is available in the immediate vicinity: Kranengarage (25 meters), Marktgarage (100 meters).

Three stars awarded

drei sterne 2024
This hotel achieved significantly more rating points than required for its category.

hotel verband auszeichnung 2024

We are pleased about the award of the Bavarian Hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA Bayern e.V., which has awarded our hotel with 3 stars SUPERIOR in 2024.

Our picture shows the presentation of the award certificate by State Minister Ms. Kaniber (right) and the managing director of DEHOGA Bayern, Dr. Thomas Geppert (left)..



Our awards

We have renovated for you

We have renovated for you
Together with our partner neubert XXXL HOTEL FACILITIES we have renovated six rooms for you.
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Fresh wood optics
The renovated rooms are decorated with fresh wood optics and have a direct view of the River Main and Marienberg Fortress.
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A good start in the day
Our breakfast room appears in new splendor with modern furniture and comfortable benches.
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Relaxed atmosphere
We look forward to your visit to the hotel, with a perfect central location and wonderful views.
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See our Hotel and Würzburg on our Video!
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Webcam 1 on the hotel roof
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Webcam 2 on the hotel roof